Everyone, which stands at the beginning and wants to know more to the topic crypto currencies, will fast state that this "crypto world" holds own terms ready. With industry-usual terms one speaks usually of technical terms, in the crypto world this is however less the case. Nevertheless, you need a reference book for all the fine crypto terms, which mainly originate from the English-speaking world. In the following we have collected the most important terms and vocabulary from the crypto world for you. One more hint, we have created a separate page about faucets including a list of our tested providers.
Note: This list will surely grow with time, because we too are learning more and more...
We would be happy to include your question in our Bitcoin glossary:
Do you have questions about Bitcoin or crypto currencies in general? Send us a message to info@best-faucets.com with your question, we will do our best to answer it. But please give us 1-2 days time, sometimes we are also professionally involved... In any case we would be happy to develop our glossary/lexicon together with you. We don't want to list all topics here, but at least the most important and relevant questions that will help you as a user immediately. As already mentioned above we also learn in the area of crypto currencies daily...
Start: 2021
Earn Crypto Currencies: 13
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes
Start: 2022
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No