First of all we would like to wish all readers of Best-Faucets.com all the best for the new year and especially health. We hope you arrived well in the new year 2021 and despite this difficult time you were able to toast something with your loved ones.
We were busy over Christmas, the holidays and the turn of the year (that is a tradition in Germany and Austria) and used the time to find new services for you, which have very good reputations and have demonstrably paid off their users. We believe that we succeeded quite well, because we were able to expand our list by 3 new services. The names of the newly added services are: Goldenfaucet, Globalhive and ESFaucet. By the way, we will continue to search for you in the future, so check back here from time to time, and we will also remove services from the list if they do not pay out users. Here is a short introduction of the new services.
We'll start with Goldenfaucet, because this service has been online since 2018 and pays out reliably according to our sources. The script should be familiar to most users, it is fast, intuitive and comes from the Paid To Click scene. The focus of the site is also on paid clicks, but in addition, the service also offers a faucet.
The operator comes from the Philippines, the advantages are a forum, well paid ads, as well as the web presence in Spanish. We can really recommend the service, it is solid, you can't go wrong. We have also been paid out ourselves, we have uploaded a proof of this.
Our second new service is called Globalhive and is from our point of view still an absolute insider tip. However, you can't earn Bitcoin there, but "only" ZCash. In addition, only one claim per day is possible here, but the earnings in ZCash can really be seen here. In addition, the service offers 4 levels of compensation for recruited users. This means that advertising here can be really worthwhile.
The best thing about the service is that you finally have a reason to use the Brave Brwoser, because it increases your earnings significantly. And another great thing is that all payouts are automatically sent to your wallet, you don't have to do anything. So what are you waiting for...
We wanted to introduce you to another multifaucet and found ESFaucet, which can also be found under the name PTCO.BTCNewz. The operator is from Canada and the Faucet has been around since 2019. It is a bit complex for beginners, but it currently offers 13 different cryptocurrencies and, according to our sources, it is run reputably and users are always paid out.
However, we ourselves have not received a payout yet. Our impression is good, so we don't want to deprive you of this service either, you can find more information on the details page.
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Start: 2021
Earn Crypto Currencies: 13
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes
Start: 2022
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No