Crypto Surfbars List

Rating Name Country Earnings Currencies Payout
Coinpayu USA High Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash Cardano Dash Doge Ethereum Litecoin Tether Tron 0,0001 2017
Autofaucet Dutchycorp France Good Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash Cardano Dash Doge EOS Ethereum IOTA Litecoin Monero Ripple Stellar Tether Tron Zcash 2018
adbtc Russia High Bitcoin 0,00004 BTC to FaucetPay
0,00033 BTC directly to your wallet
Firefaucet India Good Bitcoin Dash Doge Ethereum Litecoin Monero Tether Tron Zcash depends on the cryptocurrency 2018
BTCBunch USA Middle Bitcoin Dash Doge Litecoin Tether Tron Zcash 0,00000002 2021
Rollercoin USA Middle Bitcoin Doge Ethereum 2014
Koiniom USA Good Bitcoin Dash Doge Ethereum 0.000015 BTC 2016
Coinsurfer Germany Low Bitcoin 0,001 BTC 2020
Bitdaily Canada Low Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash Dash Doge Ethereum Litecoin Tether Tron Zcash 2021

Paid Surfbars

Besides the possibility to earn cryptocurrencies with ads or per faucet, Paid surfbar services offer an alternative to this. Here you get paid for surfing (and watching). You have to register, afterwards, as soon as you are online, all you have to do is open a new tab - and you will start collecting bitcoin or other crypto currency. In between you have to press -continue- or enter a recaptcha code, because the program checks if you are still sitting at your PC. After the timer expires, the points or credits in Satoshi will be immediately credited to your account. As soon as you exceed the payout limit, you can transfer your accumulated balance to your wallet. All services here are totally free you don't need an invest.

The time of paid surf bars is unfortunately over...

We don't want to sound like grandpas, who mourn the good old days but we would like to inform the younger users that paid surfbars at the beginning of the 2000s were the biggest source of income in the Paid4 scene next to the Paidmailers and the paid forums. Almost everyone who wanted to earn some money besides surfing had a small program installed which he activated when he went on the internet. The small program took up a small area on the screen after activation and lay over it, so that you could always see it at the bottom or top of the browser screen. In it, banners changed in a kind of rotation and every now and then you had to click to continue collecting points, which at the end of the month were converted into Euros (pot of all advertising revenue was converted by the total number of generated pukes).

I would like to estimate that this way almost every user made 1-3 US-Dollar on average per month, depending on the time spent on the internet. Furthermore paid surfbars were a great way to attract other users and to lure your own downline. For little money or by exchanging one's own credit, one could place one's own advertising banners there, which were then possibly noticed by other users, these users then clicked on them, visited the service and registered directly if they liked it.

Over time, these surfbars disappeared due to technical problems with the Windows versions or with the virus protection on the computer. The virus software recognized a security problem with the surfbars and many users simply could not cope with the technical problems of keeping the paid surfbar running. Furthermore, after the Windows updates, the surfbars no longer worked and it sometimes takes months until the operator was technically able to get the surfbars running again. During this time, however, many users had turned away. In addition one must report unfortunately also, there were black sheep like everywhere in the Paid4 scene, operators did not pay the user out, also that helped with the Surfbars to let die out.

We are very happy that through the crypto scene the paid surfbars (in a different way) are experiencing a small renaissance again.

Last added:

4 Stars
Start: 2021 
Earn Crypto Currencies: 13
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes

3 Stars
Start: 2022 
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No


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