Hi there, fellow friends of Bitcoin and best-faucets.com
Our last news was published at the start of the year in january and we are sorry that it took us so long for this news. But to apologize for it, we tested a lot of new sites for you and we are glad to inform you about some new additions to our list of the best faucets.
We also included some other interesting news to keep you up to date about everything in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Goldenclix is a PTC site, that offers you a lot of different ads, some shortlinks, offerwalls and a cool task system. You get motivated to click there and it’s really fun to use. Sadly, the payment is not the greatest, but it’s still a decent site. You should give it a try.
The next Faucet we decided to add was Qashbits. We got asked about it quite a lot and that’s why we decided to include it in our list. Also, it’s one of the few Faucets from Germany, our location. Sadly, Qashbits is not really good. The payment sucks and some things even don’t work. Better stay away from it, it’s not worth your time.
Rollercoin is an old site and we are sure, everybody of you has seen at least one ad for it. It took us a long time to properly review it, considering how complex Rollercoin is. But we finally finished our review and well, read for yourself. It’s a cool site and you should absolutely give it a try. There are some downsides, but it’s fun and engaging. Rollercoin is a unique site with a unique idea. Check it out, you won’t regret it.
We are sure you already know this. And you may ask, how that’s relevant for cryptocurrencies. Think back a few months. Elon Musk pushed the worth of Dogecoin with a few tweets. The price of Dogecoin exploded in a few weeks. If Elon Musk buys Twitter, maybe he will make some more tweets about other cryptocurrencies. If that happens, you can be pretty sure, that the price will, once again, rise greatly. Watch out for his tweets, especially now.
As Bitcoin gets more popular every day, more and more countries want to regulate the trading of cryptocurrencies. Some countries support the idea of a decentralized currency, some others not. We don’t want to talk about politics here, but we think that it’s great, that more and more countries officially recognize Bitcoin. If most of the nations worldwide talk about and recognize cryptocurrencies, only then may it happen, that Bitcoin may be used as a worldwide currency.
Do you still remember Faucethub? We do. It’s not long ago that it shut down and that was a real shock for the whole community. Without FaucetPay, most Faucets would have to shut down. But then FaucetPay got created and it saved the Faucets. And it’s really working well for FaucetPay. If you check the statistics, there are over 4 million users now in less than 3 years. That’s really awesome and it shows, that cryptocurrencies and faucets are more popular than ever before.
As you know, there is a war in europe right now. Russia attacked the Ukraine and the war is still ongoing. We don’t want to talk about the war here, but it’s interesting, that our visits increased by a lot from people from Russia and Ukraine. If the people lose the trust in their government and in their money, they will direct their attention to other valuable things like gold or cryptocurrencies. That knowledge isn’t new, but it shows, that a lot of people think of Bitcoin the same as of Gold.
Currently, we are once again testing some new Faucets. Our tests will take awhile, but as soon as we finished them, we will present you some new and hopefully good Faucets.
Until then, we wish you a lot of success with your favorite Faucets and hopefully, you will earn a lot.
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Start: 2021
Earn Crypto Currencies: 13
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes
Start: 2022
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No