
Screenshot Website Qashbits
Rating: 3,00
Operator: Unknown
Country: Germany Germany
Language: English
Start: 2019
Total Payouts: 1
Ref-Commision: 1 Level (20%)
Minimum Age: Years
Claim Time (in min): 5 min.
Earnings: Low
Captcha: Yes
Payout: automatically
Payout-Limit: 0,000005
Currency: Bitcoin Bitcoin
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Pro- and Contra for Qashbits

  • Pays to Faucetpay
  • No fee for withdrawing
  • You can delete your account
  • Owner stays anonymous
  • High minimum amount to withdraw

What is Qashbits? Qashbits Review - Scam or Legit?

Qashbits is a Faucet, that also offers some PTC Ads. If you think, the design looks familiar, you are completely right. Qashbits uses a well known and widely used Template. Like that, it doesn’t look special, but it works and is easy to use.

We couldn’t find anything about the owner of Qashbits, as usual, they are anonymous. It’s registered since 2019 in Germany. Sadly, that’s a really bad sign, because in Germany, it’s not allowed to make a site in the internet while staying anonymous. You have to disclose your identity, especially if you have a site that involves money. Like that, Qashbits breaks the law in Germany. Of course, it’s normal for the owner of a Faucet to stay anonymous, but it’s a bad sign. For example, the only other german Faucet is Yannik and there you can find the administrator of the site in the imprint.

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How can you earn Bitcoin at Qashbits?

As we already said, Qashbits offers you a Faucet and PTC Ads. The Faucet is available every 5 minutes and you roll a number between 1 and 99998. Everything under 90000 pays you 0,86 Bits. 1 Bits is 1 Satoshi, that means you earn less than 1 Satoshi for every claim. That’s utterly ridiculous. Even if you roll the highest number you only get 43 Satoshis. Let’s compare the reward with Yannik again. At Yannik, you earn at least 1 Satoshi for every claim, but if you claim only once a day, you earn 10 Satoshis. You also get a loyalty bonus. If you are active for 100 days in a row, you get twice the amount at Yannik. A payment of less than 1 Satoshi is just a waste of your time.

There are also some PTC Ads, but most of them also pay less than 1 Satoshi. They are also quite annoying to do, because you have to solve a captcha before you start, then watch the ad while keeping the tab in focus and then solve another Captcha. Again, not worth your time.

Qashbits Earn Free Bitcoin...

Qashbits also offers you achievements.

Normally, achievements are a fun way to motivate you to earn money, but here, they are just plain stupid. There is only 1 achievement for the faucet. Claim 20000 times. Yeah, you read that right. If you claim that often, you earn 200 Bits. Other achievements are "do 1000 offerwalls" or refer "1000 people". They are the easiest to achieve, going up to "refer 1000000 people" or "do 50000 offerwalls". You will never get an achievement here, so forget about them.

Qashbits also offers you a Investment Game. It’s a gamble, but it doesn’t work anyway. Same goes for the CPU Mining, it also doesn’t work. You also need at least 500 Satoshis to withdraw your money and that will take forever, because the payment just sucks.

We can’t even tell you if it’s a legitimate site or not, because we haven’t withdrawn money there. And to be honest, we won’t withdraw there. To try and collect 500 Satoshis at Qashbits is a tedious task that takes forever.

Is there a referral commission for Qashbits?

Currently, you earn 20 % of everything your referrals claims, but don’t refer people there. They will just waste their time. You can also pay money to upgrade your account, then you earn 25 %. But don’t do it. It’s a waste of money, not one of your referrals will be active. Because, let’s be honest, Qashbits is just bad.

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Our conclusion for Qashbits

There are a lot of great Faucets out there but Qashbits isn’t one of them. It just sucks. It looks decent but half of the stuff doesn’t even work. The things that work like the Faucet and the PTC Ads just pay you so bad, it’s a complete waste of time. Don’t use Qashbits, don’t refer people to it. Just forget it and don’t try it. It really sucks.

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