Do you know Coingecko? We think you should!


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Coingecko offers an overview of the current prices of all cryptocurrencies. By the way, with all cryptocurrencies we really mean ALL of them. There are currently 9471 cryptocurrencies listed, including completely unknown coins that no one has ever heard of and they are worth nothing. However, new cryptocurrencies are added daily. By the way, the reason for this is, it is actually quite easy to release your own cryptocurrency. On Google, you can find many instructions how to create your own cryptocurrency with a minimum amount of technical knowledge. However, before you start dreaming of great wealth, we're sorry to disappoint you. The price is created by supply and demand, and since no one is interested in most cryptocurrencies, they have no value.

Besides the value of cryptocurrencies, you can find all kinds of other data on Coingecko, such as the price history. But you can also find the trading volume of the last 24 hours, the market capitalization and of course a chart about the price trend there. By the way, Coingecko is an international site that is available in many different languages. The owners of Coingecko are located in Asia. Besides the language, you can also change the currency to one of your choice, if you prefer to see the price in something else than Dollar.

Screenshot Coingecko
Screenshot Coingecko

A Registration is not a Must Have

You can also register yourself at Coingecko, but you don't have to. You can use all functions without registration. However, if you plan to start trading cryptocurrencies, you should register anyway. Then you can create a portfolio and practice a bit before you try it with real money. The registration is free of charge. However, there is also a paid version, which offers you some additional content and removes the ads, but you better save your money. As long as you don't trade cryptocurrencies professionally, a paid subscription to Coingecko won't offer you much more than the free version.

Coingecko is perfect for you, if you just want to take a quick look at how the prices of your favorite cryptocurrencies look right now. You can also quickly calculate the exact value of your cryptocurrencies. Each detail page of a cryptocurrency offers you a calculator between the cryptocurrency and euro. Coingecko is therefore indispensable if you own a few coins to quickly find out about current exchange rates.

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