We tested the Rollercoin website just a few months ago and introduced it to you on Adiceltic. At Rollercoin, users have the opportunity to earn cryptocurrencies by playing various games and completing surveys. Everything is tied into virtual mining in the user's own digital room. To run the different miners, users need power, which is earned by playing in the browser in pixel art style. The full review can be found here.
Power rewards after a successful game have been doubled. This greatly benefits active players, while those who wanted to earn a small passive income from miners are unfortunately disadvantaged, as miners' power earnings are not increased. From the operator's point of view, this is understandable, as the income is generated by the advertisements displayed while playing.
We have also noticed for some time now that new quests for completing surveys are being offered. The reward comes in the form of the site's internal currency, Rollertoken. This makes it much easier to earn Rollertokens and invest them in miners to build a small passive income through mining, in addition to active gaming.
The significant change in Rollercoin concerns the electricity or Electricity needed to run the miners. Previously, it was sufficient to press the button next to the Electricity bar every few days to have enough electricity. This now becomes much more complex, as batteries are needed to charge the electricity. These can either be purchased with the Season Token RST or bought via the marketplace with the Rollertoken. Later, batteries will also be given as rewards.
The goal of the operators is to minimize the influence of inactive players on the distribution of cryptocurrencies and motivate them to participate more actively in the games again. According to the operators, recently there have been users who have only replenished their stream by clicking, but have played very little. This is to the detriment of active players, as they generate advertising revenue by playing, but end up having to share their revenue with those who don't contribute.
As before, there are five cells that indicate the available power. However, a new feature is a timer that indicates when a cell is depleted and no longer provides power. Each cell lasts for 24 hours before running out and needing to be refilled. Each depleted cell results in a 20% loss of power. Empty cells thus have a direct impact on one's revenue and motivate users to be continuously active.
It is of course a great pity that the opportunities for passive income will be limited by the increase in power rewards when playing and the new electricity system with batteries. It will now be more difficult to keep miners running and generate passive income with just a few clicks. These changes have a particular impact on those who have invested their own money and cryptocurrency in miners. Their investments will experience a significant decrease in value.
Ultimately, the changes are understandable from the perspective of the operators and also from the perspective of the active users. Without the advertisements while playing, it would hardly be possible for Rollercoin and mining to be financially sustainable. Through these steps and updates, the financing and operation of the platform is ultimately ensured. So even users who have been relying on passive income can rely on Rollercoin and financial viability in the future.
In particular, the ability to buy batteries on the marketplace with the Rollercoin token offers an alternative to playing games and earning the RST coin. Rollercoin tokens can be earned quickly by participating in surveys, tasks and the corresponding quests.
Two new cryptocurrencies are now available on Rollercoin. From now on, the two meme currencies Shiba and PepeCoin can be earned via mining. Meme coins are fun currencies promoted via viral marketing and a meme. Basically, they don't have a deep business model, they just exist. As a result, Meme-Coins are usually inexpensive and available in large numbers. One of the most famous meme coins is Dogecoin.
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