Free-Litecoin is a Faucet where you can claim Litecoin. The site looks pretty old, it was released 2017 and it doesn't seem like it ever got an update to a newer interface. But it's ok, you can easily claim your Litecoin, that's the most important thing. There is no information about the owner on FreeLitecoin, that makes it a bit shady. But we don't know of any issues where someone got scammed out of his Litecoin from FreeLitecoin. It's still a good idea to withdraw your Litecoin as often as you can to be safe, but sadly, the withdrawal fee is a bit high. That means even though the minimum withdrawal isn't that high, you shouldn't withdraw as soon as you are able to. You can withdraw directly to your own Litecoin wallet.
FreeLitecoin is one of the few Faucets that offer protection of your data with SSL. That's quite interesting, because the design looks really old and you get the impression that noone is actively working on FreeLitecoin. It also offers 2FA for your account, but it doesn't seem to work. It is enabled by standard, but you can login without 2FA and nothing happens if you disable it.
It seems like they want to be secure, but they should better invest their time to improve the earnings of their users. The best security measures doesn't help if noone uses your site, because the payment is too bad.
Free-Litecoin offers a Faucet and some gambling. That's all. The payment of the Faucet is ok, but it is not great. The games are the typical gambling games, you should stay away from them, because most likely, you will lose. You can't be sure that the are fair too, so it's a good idea to not use them. There is not much else to do at FreeLitecoin, except that you get interest if you deposit your Litecoin there. Honestly, don't do this. You can't be sure that FreeLitecoin is really a legit company and even if they promise 8 % per year, it's probably too risky to invest there. Better just use their Faucet and don't interact any more with FreeLitecoin.
The referral commission is the best part of Free-Litecoin. You get 50 % of everything your referral claims. He doesn't earn any less, you just get it as a bonus. That is quite high, but sadly, the amount you get with a claim isn't that high, so you won't earn that much, even if you refer a lot of people to FreeLitecoin. FreeLitecoin really should improve their earnings to make it worth your time.
Free-Litecoin isn't great. For example, Moon Litecoin pays around 3 to 4 times the amount of FreeLitecoin, depending on the bonus you have there. The earnings from Free Litecoin are slightly below average, it's ok to use it, if you are bored, but if you only want to use the best Faucets available, you shouldn't use FreeLitecoin. The possibility to earn interest sounds pretty cool, but it's way too risky to use it. The site also looks quite old, why should you invest in a lazy owner who doesn't update his site? Correct, you shouldn't.
We recommend that you only use Free Litecoin if you have nothing else to do and are really bored. If not, better stay with Faucets like the MoonFaucets or GrabTC or other really good and modern Faucets. Also, the fee for withdrawing Litecoin from FreeLitecoin is way too high and frankly, you won't earn much here. Better stay away.
Start: 2021
Earn Crypto Currencies: 13
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes
Start: 2022
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No