Free Ethereum

Category: Bitcoin Faucets

Free Ethereum
Screenshot Website Free-Ethereum
Rating: 2,00
Operator: Unknown
Country: Czech Republic Czech Republic
Language: English
Start: 2019
Ref-Commision: 50 %
Minimum Age: Years
Claim Time (in min): 60 min
Earnings: Low
Captcha: No
Payout: automatically
Payout-Limit: 0,001
Currency: Ethereum Ethereum
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Pro- and Contra for Free Ethereum

  • Low minimum withdrawal
  • Withdrawal directly to your own wallet
  • High referral commission
  • Very high withdrawal fee
  • No information about the owner

What's Free-Ethereum?

Free-Ethereum is a Faucet for Ethereum, as the name implies. The site looks really old, but is easy to navigate. It's not very professional made. Let us give you an example. It doesn't matter where you navigate to, you always see a big information about their 8 % interest rate.

FreeEthereum interest
FreeEthereum interest

Why did they just write "check earn section for more info" and don't just put a link there? That's a flaw in the design and the site is full of it. That's just not very professional. Also, you can't find any information about the owner. It's common for Faucets to keep the owner anonymous, but in combination with the bad design and the very high fee for withdrawing your Ether makes Free Ethereum shady. We haven't faced any issues yet, but we would recommend that you don't deposit any money at FreeEthereum. If you just use their Faucet and they decide to scam people, your loses won't be that high. Review and Tutorial - Legit or Scam?

How can I earn Ether at Free-Ethereum?

You can claim once every 60 minutes and get some free Ether. The amount is below the average, there are better Faucets out there, but also worse ones. When you claim, you roll a random number and the higher you roll, the more Ether you get. Free Ethereum also offers some lottery games, but you need to stake your money to try it. We don't recommend this, because usually the house wins. Especially because Free-Ethereum is a bit shady, you won't know if the games are rigged or not.

There aren't any other possibilites to earn Ether at FreeEthereum except their interest rate. They pay you 8 % interest per year, but you need to hold at least 0,01 Ether to earn interest. Don't invest there. There is no guarantue that you will get your money back and even if 8 % is quite high, it's way too risky. Better do something else with your money.

It's also a good idea to withdraw your money quite often, even if the withdrawal fee is really high. It's even higher than the minimum amount to withdraw, that's a bit weird.

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How high is the referral commission?

The referral comission at Free-Ethereum is quite good, you get 50 % of everything your referral claims. Of course, he doesn't earn less, you get it as a bonus. That's why it's a good idea to refer some friends to FreeEthereum, but keep in mind to tell them that they shouldn't invest any money there. Also, because the payment is low, even the high referral commission won't earn you much.

Our conclusion for Free-Ethereum

Frankly, Free-Ethereum is not good. The amount you get for each claim is ok at least, but you need to claim often if you want to withdraw any money. And we mean REALLY often. If you want to withdraw at least some Ether, you need to claim at least 1000 times without any referrals and if you always roll the base amount. If you claim 10 times every day, you still need 100 days until you are able to withdraw money. And even then, most of your Ether will be used for the withdrawal fee. If you want to use as many Faucets as you can, feel free to use Free-Ethereum. But if you just want to use a few minutes every day for Faucets, you should just use the best of the best. And Free Ethereum is pretty far from even being good.

That's why we can't recommend Free-Ethereum to anyone right now, except if you have unlimited time and nothing better to do than claim from Faucets the whole day. Better check out other Faucets like graBTC or the Moon Faucets.

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