
Category: Paid Clicks

Screenshot Website Picoworkers
Rating: 4,00
Operator: KredStreet Inc.
Country: USA USA
Language: German
Start: 2013
Ref-Commision: 5 %
Minimum Age: Years
Earnings: Middle
Captcha: No
Payout: automatically
Payout-Limit: $5.4
Currency: Litecoin Litecoin
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Pro- and Contra for Picoworkers

  • A lot of different jobs
  • Nice design
  • SSL
  • Jobs can be done while doing other stuff
  • Payment can be too small for some jobs
  • High fee for withdrawing money

What's Picoworkers?

Picoworkers is a site that offers so called "Microtasks". A Microstask is a very simple task that can easily be done while doing other things. You also get paid directly after you did the task and you can do as many tasks as you like. At Picoworkers, every User can put up a task for the other users and you get paid, if you do the job.

The site got a complete overhaul in early 2020 and since then it looks really nice. It offers a light and a dark mode and the whole design is quite intuitive and works really well. The company behind Picoworkers is called KredStreet Inc. and is located in the USA. That means, the legitimacy of Picoworkers is quite high, because the owners aren't anonymous, like for a lot of Faucets. It is also secured by SSL, another good sign, that Picoworkers is a legitimate site.

How can I earn Litecoin at Picoworkers?

First of all, every task you do earns you Dollar, not Litecoin. But as soon as you earned 5,4 Dollar, you can decide to cash out with Litecoin. The fee for withdrawing money is 7 %., that is quite high. To earn money from Picoworkers, you have to click on Find Jobs. Then you see a long list with all available jobs. While writing this review, 505 jobs were available.

Picoworkers available jobs
Picoworkers available jobs

As you can see, you won't get bored at Picoworkers. The tasks are quite different. For one task you have to sign up for a certain site, for another task you have to google while using a certain keyword and then visit a site and for another task, you have to comment a video on Youtube. There are a lot more of different tasks, just check them out for yourself.

For every task you do, you have to submit a proof, that you really did the task. The kind of proof you need to show gets decided by the user who created the task. Most of the time you have to provide a link, that proofs that you really visited the site, a screenshot or something else like this. You usually need around 1 to 2 minutes for a task and earn between 0,03 and 0,20 Dollar. The payment is not that high, but you can do the tasks easily while watching a series or surfing the internet. The only reason, you need that long for a task is that a lot of tasks need you to stay a certain amount of time on their site.

Picoworkers task
Picoworkers task

As you can see, you have to stay quite a long time at the site to fulfill the job. You don't have to keep the tab in focus, you can do it while claiming Faucets or doing other stuff. As soon as you are done, you have to commit your proof and the task is finished. This task would earn you 0,03 Dollar. We usually do some tasks while claiming Faucets or watching a series, it is easily doable while doing other stuff and you can easily earn a few Dollars per day. That makes Picoworkers a great site for everyone who likes to do simple stuff in addition to claiming Faucets.

As soon as you finish a task, the employer has 7 days to rate you. If you submit false proof, he can rate you negatively and you won't get paid. But that happens rarely, we did 204 tasks and got rated positive 197 times. We only got a negative rating 7 times and we made some mistakes while doing these tasks, so it was completely ok. If the employer doesn't rate you, you automatically get your money after 7 days. So even if the employer doesn't come online, you get your money.

You also have a temporary success rate. You have to have a success rate for over 75 % for all tasks you did in the last 50 days, else you have to wait for some weeks before you can do any tasks again. That's a measure to keep the users from cheating. If you do the tasks like you are supposed to, you won't have a problem with the temporary success rate, so don't worry about it.

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You can also be an employer yourself

If you want to promote your own site, you can use Picoworkers to create a task for other users. You can write exactly what the user has to do and you can also decide what they have to show you as a proof. You can decide the payment and you can even exclude some countries. If you want to promote a site written in a certain language, it makes sense to exclude all countries where the language isn't spoken. You can also decide how many times the task can be done by different users. Every user can only do a task once. As soon as your task was done by enough users, you get a complete overview of some meta stats. You can see, from where your workers came, how old they were and some other nice information. It's a pretty good way to promote your site. We tried it of course and we were completely satisfied with the community. We rated every task positive, because every user did exactly what he should and it was a really good experience for us.

Is there a referral commission at Picoworkers?

Picoworkers also offers you 5 % commission of everything your referral earns. Your referral doesn't earn less of course, you get the money from Picoworkers as a bonus. You also get 5 % of everything your referral deposits. If you manage to refer some users with their own blog and they deposit money to Picoworkers to promote their site, you will get a lot of money as commission. There is also a Signup Bonus of 0,5 Dollar. This money can only be used to create a task, it's a nice incentive to create a task for other users.

Our conclusion for Picoworkers

Picoworkers is quite a good site if you like to do Microtasks. The tasks are easily done while doing other stuff and there are a lot of different tasks, so you won't get bored. The payment could be a bit better, but it's still ok, because the tasks are really easy to do. It's also quite easy to create a job for other users and it's a good idea to promote your own site with Picoworkers, if you have one.

The referral commission seems quite low at first, but because you can easily earn a few Dollars every day, it sums up quite a bit. If you manage to refer some active people to Picoworkers, you easily get a lot of money every day. The only real downside of Picoworkers is the fee of 7 % if you withdraw your money. That is quite high. But we can still recommend Picoworkers to everybody who wants to earn some money while claiming from Faucets or watching a series.

Payment Proof Picoworkers

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