Coinsurfer is one of the oldest autosurfer out there and it was one of the first sites where you could earn some Bitcoin. In 2020, it got a new admin and started fresh. The site itself looks really old and could need a new user interface, but sadly, the new admin hasn't done anything to make it look better. It's mostly in german and english, but the main menu is just in german. It's still easy to navigate though. But it works and pays, despite being ugly. That's the most important thing.
Coinsurfer is an autosurfer, that means you start their surfbar and wait. That's all you need to do. The surfbar automatically surfs different sites and you get paid for it. It uses the surfbar of another german site called eBesucher, but they pay in Euro. Coinsurfer pays you in Bitcoin, that's the big difference between the two.
There are also some PTC ads you can watch. They are really well paid and they also use the functions of eBesucher. You don't have to worry, it's normal that you get redirected to eBesucher, when you click on "Klickanzeigen" (means Click-Ads).
There you see some ads, you have to click on the ads with BTP below it. Then you have to wait for some seconds. After that, you get your reward. It doesn't work all the time, but the ads are well paid, so it's still worth your time. Don't bother clicking the ads without BTP below it, you won't earn any Bitcoin.
Coinsurfer uses a 2 level referral system. That's a system mostly used in Germany. It means, if you refer a friend to Coinsurfer, you get a comission of 5 % from everything he earns. If your friend refers another friend to Coinsurfer, you still earn 2 % of their earnings. Of course, they don't earn less, it's just a bonus from Coinsurfer for referring people to their site.
The good thing about Coinsurfer is, it is located in Germany. In Germany, you have to insert the name of the owner of the site in their Inprint, called "Impressum" in german. That means, you know exactly who owns Coinsurfer and if the admin doesn't pay you, you could easily sue him. That's possible in Germany, that makes it really safe to use Coinsurfer. Of course, nobody can give you a guarantee, that you will get paid, but the chances are pretty high on Coinsurfer.
Coinsurfer looks old and doesn't offer much. But because of it's nature as autosurfer, you don't have to do anything there except to start their surfbar. Open Coinsurfer, click on "Surfbar" and that's it. Just don't close the tab and let it surf for itself and you will earn some Satoshis. The payment is
pretty high, you can easily earn a few hundred Satoshis per day, if you let it surf. But be aware, the amount of sites you can visit depends on your country. It works really well in Europe, if you are from another continent, just try it. The worst that can happen is, that you won't see any ads. But you should give it a chance, it's the closest thing to passive income you will find.
Start: 2023
Earn Crypto Currency: LTC
Faucet & Paid Ads
Proof of payment: Yes
Start: 2022
Earn Crypto Currency: DOGE
Faucet & Games
Proof of payment: No